Saturday, February 8, 2025

Z (55) Gaz Tigr-M with Arbalet combat module (Russia)

My first Z post, back in May 2022, was the Gaz Tigr-M from ACE (here). Nearly 3 years and 54 builds later, here I'm with another try at this vehicle. This time it's the RPG version with the Arbalet combat module, a very nice little model. I added a RP-377VM1 radio fuze jammer from an unknown Chinese brand, some improvised armor and recovery cable at the front and opened the driver window.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Z (54) 9S36M (Russia)

The 9S36M is a detection and target designation station-art of the medium-range 9K317M But-M3 air defense system (see here). With his telescopic mast radar it has a detection range of 70km especially for low flying objects.

The 3D printed model is from an unknown Chinese brand and is a good base but required a number of corrections and improvements (some of them after the taking of the wip photos as I get good pics of the radar head a little late). Nevertheless, much like the original, the 9S36M remains, externally at least, a relatively simple and stripped-down vehicle.