Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Z (47) T-80BV (Russia)

For the history of the T-80BV, I refer you to my previous publications on the subject Revell T-80BV and ModelCollect T-80BV.

The model is a magnificent 3D print by the Chinese Turbo Studio Cie. Finely detailed and exquisitely printed, it's one of the best 1/72 3D printed model I have seen. The two figures are from an unknown Chinese brand. The kit is painted to represent a T-80BV from the 4th Guards Tank Division in frosty March 2022 at the beginning of the Russian military operation in Ukraine.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Z (46) T-72B3 obr.2023 (Russia)

For information on the T-72B3, I send you back to my publication of March 2023 on the T-72B3 obr.2016.  Following the evolution of the battlefield and the anti-tank threats, the T-72B3 has, like all other vehicles, continued to receive additional protections improvised on the ground or added during production.

The model is a 3D print from Best Resins. Unfortunately, and not for the first time with Best Resins, I encountered a number of issues with this kit: bad adjustment of the rolling gear/track parts with the main hull, modelling not conform with the real vehicle, missing parts,... I still have a number of Best Resins kit in my possession to build, but I will definitively take a break with my orders with them, more so in view of the very high quality models available today with other producers. I added the overhead engine and under hull protection, some ERA bricks and the extensive camo netting.