Thursday, November 11, 2021

9P148 Konkurs (USSR)

The 9P148 Konkurs is an Anti-Tank Guided Missile launcher vehicle based on the BRDM-2 reconnaissance vehicle (see here). It is armed with 5 wire-guided 9M113 Konkurs (AT-5 Spandrel)  mounted on a retractable external launcher that the crew can reloads through a small hatch located behind it. The 9P148 can carry a total of 14 AT-5 or, in latter version, a mix of 10 AT-5 and 10 AT-4 Spigot (9M111 Fagot).

Above a destroyed Ukrainian 9P148 armed with a mix of AT-5 and AT-4

The kit is from S-Model, nice and easy to build. (made 2015)